UPDATED: Creating a List of LGBTQ Blogs in Pennsylvania

When I started blogging in 2005, I was a little shocked to realize I was among the first LGBTQ bloggers – I’m usually nowhere near that far in front of a trend. I wasn’t the very first – Jason Cable  at PghGay.Com had that distinction.

Over the years, the ranks of bloggers has ebbed and the opposite of ebbed. I have tended to follow more blogs in Western PA that statewide, but it recently came to my attention that I may now be the longest-running LGBTQ blog in Pennsylvania.

This is not really good. Pennsylvania has exactly three print newspapers – Philly Gay News, Central Voice in Harrisburg, and the Erie Gay News.  There’s a glossy mag called G Philly.

That’s it. That’s the statewide resources for LGBTQ news and information. And that’s why blogs are so important – we fill that gap. While I don’t recommend you get your news and information primarily from any blog, I do think you can get some perspective.

I’m not even sure I can believe it so I am turning to you, readers, to ask for help – help me compile a “blogroll” of sorts of LGBTQ blogs in Pennsylvania.

For my purposes, I am creating some categories. Mostly, I want to distinguish between LGBTQ people blogging and LGBTQ businesses and organizations blogging.

So please send me your suggestions via the comments (remember that it is moderated so give it a little bit of time show up) with the name and link. I’m looking for LGBTQ people blogging about anything, blogs that cover any aspect of the LGBTQ community and everything in between, including podcasts, Tumblrs, Livejournals, etc. The only requirements are that the content be accessible to the public and that the folks involved are based in Pennsylvania.

If you’d like to make a suggestion, please do. I’ll be adding a blogroll to my own site and sharing this information around the LGBTQ community. Updates are also welcome.

For the record, while I am willing to share information about people with whom I disagree – I’m not listing jagoffs. If your LGBTQ site posts hate content, forget it. A key indicator is your ability to respond appropriately to the word “cis”  🙂

UPDATE: several great submissions, thank you. i’m sorting out blogs that are primarily used for PR purposes or do not have a specific focus on Pennsylvania.

This is what I have so far

  1. Joy KMT
  2. Thomas C. Waters
  3. Josh Kruger
  4. Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents
  5. The Nomi Darling Show (video)
  6. Bambi Deerest (video)
  7. The Pennsylvania Progressive*
  8. Cathy Hannabach *
  9. Phillesbian*
  10. JanitorQueer*
  11. West Philly Mama*
  12. LGBT Black Archivists Society of Philadelphia*
  13. Philadelphia Family Pride Blog*
  14. Transpire Philly Trans and Queer Culture*
  15. Michele Angelo PhD*
  16. LGBT Elder Initiative*
  17. TransPride Pittsburgh*


*New entry to the list


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