To be fair, the description of an Influenster doesn’t really seem to be “me”
Influenster is a community of trendsetters, social media hotshots, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences.
Influensters meet here to learn about new products from our favorite brands as well as review the products they already use in their day-to-day lives!
I can’t remember how I came to join the site, but I suspect I was referred by a friend. I use it mainly to read other reviews about products I”m considering and to occasionally post my own review. I do plenty of reviews, but I don’t often think they are of interest to Influenster members. Then I was offered a chance to review the Keurig 2.0. Hmmm.
I have no love for the Keurig 2.0 and was brutally honest in my review. I was also thorough, fair and did my homework. I gave credit for the things that I liked. To date, that blog post has received over 3,000 unique hits which is quite a lot for me. It continues to average more than 50 views a day as of yesterday. The follow-up post received another 1,000 visits. I earned those views because I did a thorough, professional job – I didn’t trash the product, but I’m no cheerleader either.
I got some flack from the faux-reviewers who assumed the Keurig 2.0 was a freebie that deserved unabashed praise. Actually, it is useless to me now because it is such a terrible machine so I’m going to turn it into an art exhibit to avoid killing the planet with coffee waste. I assumed Influenster would not be happy with my review and dump me. But oh well.
To my surprise, my posts remain up and I’m invited to participate in other reviews. I see people from Influenster or affiliated with it visiting the review. Hmmm. So they do understand that constructive criticism is a necessary evil in product reviews.
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