You get to choose one superpower. Pick one of these, and explain your choice:
- the ability to speak and understand any language
- the ability to travel through time
- the ability to make any two people agree with each other
I would select language because it would create the most opportunity to do good without doing harm. Time travel as we all know goes awry so easily. And forcing people to agree doesn’t sound like a super power to me in the least; it sounds like a dictatorship.
“You just HEAR English. It’s the gift of the TARDIS. The telepathic field gets inside your brain and translates.”
(Source: doctor-who-screencaps)
The gift of the Tardis is a great concept. I myself often have trouble understanding what people are *really* saying to me so being able to understand political speak, archaic references and subtext would probably be more useful than German. However, I’ll take the whole kit and kaboodle!

(Source: doctor-who-screencaps)
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