Election Day Information – Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today is the day to vote in primary elections. VoteBeheard

Polls are open from 7 AM – 8 PM. If you are in line at 8 PM, you will get to vote.

You can find your polling place at this link (Allegheny County.)

Here is the information on Voter ID and Provisional Ballots.

From the ACLU of PA

What if I’m not on the voter list?
First, ask the poll worker to check the list again or to look at the supplemental list, which is a list of recent changes to the voting rolls. Offer to spell your name. If a poll worker tells you that you are at the wrong polling place, ask for help finding the right polling place. You can also call your county board of elections or look up your polling place at votespa.com.
If you believe you’re at the right polling place but your name isn’t on the voter list, ask for a provisional ballot.

What is a provisional ballot?
A provisional ballot is used to record your vote when there’s a question about your eligibility. It will only be counted if election officials determine after the election that you were
eligible to vote. You should use a provisional ballot only if there is no other
way for you to vote. A very high percentage of provisional ballots in Pennsylvania are rejected on technical grounds.

What if the voting machine is broken?
Report all broken equipment to 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) and to your county board of elections. If half or more of the voting equipment is not working, poll workers must allow you to vote with a paper ballot known as an emergency paper ballot.

What if someone tries to intimidate or harass me?
Tell a poll worker right away. If the poll worker is the problem, tell a poll watcher, call your county board of elections, or call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

And finally – here are the rules about “poll watchers” – that’s the folks with the campaign literature at the polling places. They are with the campaigns NOT the board of elections.

  • People canNOT hand out literature (this includes wearing tee shirts, buttons or hats) INSIDE the polling place. You can take whatever you want with you for your personal use, but you cannot hand it to someone else once you are inside.
  • If you see someone inside distributing literature, just use common sense – what message does that send to you?

Please vote.


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