My First Book Review: Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner

I’ve never written a book review before so I consider myself fortunate to have ended up with a pretty engaging mystery novel for my first one. Book_Club_Hero_21

Tomorrow, I will post my review for “Touch & Go” by Lisa Gardner for the Blogher Book Club.

From the outside, the Denbe family has it all. They own a successful construction empire. They have a multiple homes, including a fabulous townhouse in Boston. The two parents and one teenaged daughter have everything they could ask for. From the outside they look like the perfect family, but when they vanish without a trace, investigators find that things aren’t quite so perfect after all. Welcome toLisa Gardner’s latest thriller, Touch and Go.

Why did I do this? Well, I thought it would be a good way to improve my reading time, much like Blogher’s NaBloPoMo helped me get back on track with blogging. I also thought the premise was interesting – I like mystery novels with female protagonists. And it just seemed like an interesting new thing to try.

I’m reserving my opinion for tomorrow.

If you like mystery novels (and after you read my review) let me know and I’ll be happy to pass along this copy. Reuse!

Disclosure: “This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.”



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