So, I’m having some blog quirks since I posted about Bob Evans – my right hand column disappeared. Do you think Bob Evans is that powerful.
So I have to post something else to see if I can fix the problem.
Random thoughts
Why has so much of Pittsburgh’s media coverage on President Obama’s statement featured heterosexual pundits? Perhaps to promote the sexy political angles and not give a bit of concern to the impact on LGBT families here in Pittsburgh? Perhaps. But its sad.
There’s a tendency when organizing on Facebook to treat the tools like everyone participating is on in the “inside” and understands some of the basics like “who is Jessie?” and “where exactly are we meeting?” and “yes, we listed 3 different start times but you should know what that means.” Its not effective. Its also not effective to respond to my request for clarity by telling me how busy you are. I’m busy too. I took time from my personal busy to reach out for information rather than just clicking delete. The least you can do is simply answer my question. I don’t really need an apology, just the information.
Avoiding “conflict” when people seem to disagree on Facebook is not necessarily that different than turning a blind eye to bullying among kids. Seriously. Maybe we have to actually read the dialogue and determine if there’s a power disparity or a kindness disparity or a bitchiness disparity AND then decide to back away. I go head to head with a supporter of Mark Critz all of the time. But we are friends and trust one another and have discussed the ground rules. I don’t mind if you interject, but I’m okay if you don’t. But when people put others down and you say nothing – no statement to defend someone or not even a personal note to see if they are okay – well, aren’t you sort of turning a blind eye?
It hurts when people egg you on when they support your agenda and then not lift a finger when you become the agenda.
I seem to be obsessed with GLEE videos.