Metcalfe introduces “Marriage Protection” constitutional amendment

From the Trib

Metcalfe, R-Cranberry, who chairs the House State Government Committee, on Monday announced he is sponsoring a constitutional amendment to define marriage. It would need to be approved in two successive sessions of the Legislature and would then be submitted for approval or rejection by the state's voters. The earliest that could happen would be 2013.

The constitution, if changed, would read:  “Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.”

The bill's chances are improved in a Republican-controlled legislature, but it is still a contentious issue many lawmakers would rather avoid. As committee chairman, Metcalfe can at least guarantee a committee vote.

It is a bit challenging to come up with someonething new about this one other than quiet disgust.  John Morgan at The Pennsylvania Progressive plans to out closeted legislators who cast any affirmative vote on this one. 

While we can hope this illustrates the distance between Metcalfe and the “rest” of the Republicans, I suspect this will not go quietly into the good night.  Democrats have voted for this in previous terms so we can take nothing for granted.

Please take a moment to sign the petition up at Equality Pennsylvania's site. 


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