It really sucks when someone bluntly tells you that you aren't part of the group. I had this happen yesterday when someone didn't like a piece I wrote and told me that I was not part of their group because I didn't participate enough, nothing personal. Ha.
That person clearly doesn't read my blog, because I write about “their” issues quite a bit. I promote their specific group as well as the larger issues. I ferret out pertinent legislation and advocacy information which I then pass along. I try to stay on top of these issues, even when they aren't sexy enough to hit the radar of the advocacy groups. I participate in blog swarms on their issues because I believe in them and I believe they are undervalued in our community.
I do my part and I resent being isolated because I'm a non-traditional member.
Guess what? If we want the mainstream heteronormative society to accept “us” then we need to do a better job accepting each other.
I'm waiting for the apology.