Joe Sestak needs every one of his LGBT allies to stand with the campaign next Friday, October 8, to show the public what is really at stake. We will be gathering at 11am in the courtyard of the County Courthouse, 414 Grant St., to deliver a press statement on behalf of the Congressman. Representative Dan Frankel and Councilman Bruce Kraus will be on hand to speak for the campaign.
Believe it or not, we have less than five weeks until we decide who our next U.S. Senator will be. The stakes are high; but, I am sure, that with your help, Pennsylvania will make the right decision. The key word being help. Now is the time for members of the LGBT community to get off the sidelines and get into the game. We all know that progress doesn’t just happen; we have to fight for it.
Joe has co-sponsored a number of bills directly affecting our community that include, but are not limited to, the following:
*Respect for Marriage Act to repeal DOMA
*Military Readiness Enhancement Act to end Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
*Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act
*Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA)
*Family Medical Leave Act
With Pat Toomey as the next Senator, the LGBT community will not only fail to gain an ally, we will be up against strong opposition. Just look at his record. In 2004, Pat Toomey supported a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as being between a man and woman. If that isn’t bad enought, Pat Toomey voted to prohibit health benefits for domestic partners and ban adoptions by LGBT couples. He also failed to support every piece of legislation the Congressman sponsored above, and more.
*With less than five weeks to go, it is also imperative to bring the necessary attention to our cause. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to get out as many letters to the editor as possible. Joe needs every one of his LGBT supporters to send in at least one Letter to the Editor to your local newspapers every week: Don't forget to send me a copy as well!
*Help organize friends and colleagues to join us in the final weekend before Election Day on November 2nd to knock on doors, make phone calls, and ensure people are getting to the polls.