US Congressman Patrick Murphy is an ally. He doesn't promise to vote for repealing DADT. He is a military veteran who openly pushes for repeal. Check out his website.
He has positive polling in his district.
But he's not polling well in terms of reelection.
Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.), an Iraq war veteran, is behind Republican Mike Fitzpatrick, an attorney and a former U.S. House member, by a margin of 46 percent to 36 percent among all registered adults in the district.
Still, about 17 percent of registered adults said they’re undecided in the race.
The situation is worse for Murphy when the screen is restricted to likely voters. Fitzpatrick’s advantage increases to 49 percent while 35 percent of respondents continue to support Murphy. Among likely voters, 15 percent say they’re undecided.
The poll, published Thursday by Franklin & Marshall College, is based on phone interviews conducted between Sept. 14 and Sept. 19. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
According to the poll, about 41 percent of registered adults in the district rate Murphy’s job performance as “excellent” or “good” and about the same proportion, 40 percent, say he deserves re-election. Still, almost half of these respondents, 47 percent, say it’s time for a change.
Murphy narrowly unseated Fitzpatrick in the 2006 election by less than one percentage point when Fitzpatrick was a one-term incumbent and Murphy was the challenger.
Time for a change? Back to the previous Representative? Huh? I'd like to take a peek at the political ads in that race.
Visit Patrick Murphy's website.
This is one of the races where you can make a difference without playing into the party's self-destructive annhilation of their progressive base.