You've probably picked up on the fact that I am supporting Joe Hoeffel in the primary race for the PA Governor's manse. I believe his vision and experience will translate into the leadership we need to move ahead as a Commonwealth, My support goes far beyond his solid stance on LGBTQ issues. I like what's he saying about environmental, economic, educational and other issues. I urge you to click on through to read what he has to say on these issues. What strikes me when I visit the page is his consistent connection of a range of issues to improving the economy. For example, Joe “gets” the connection between a vibrant cultural community and economic strength.
You see this argument playing out today as various local leaders call for us to “invest” in the Carnegie Library system. Investment implies a return and we can measure the impact of a cultural institution like a library.
I'm not voting for Joe Hoeffel because I'm a lesbian. I'm voting for him because his vision for Pennsylvania most closely matches mine, both my hopeful vision and my pragmatic expectations.
Others feel differently and the beauty of the primary (as described by the man called Potter) is our freedom to make a choice. Yes, we need to think about the General Election but the slim margin by which Specter maintains his lead over Sestak indicates that Pennsylvania is not opposed to progressive values.
What matters, my friend, is that you make an informed decision on election day, both May and November. Read the questionairres, the endorsements, the editorials, the candidate websites and yes, even the blogs. 🙂
I invite you to join local supporters of Joe Hoeffel at an event next Thursday at the Schenley Park Ice Skating Rink. The event is from 5-7 PM and gives you one final chance to meet with Joe in person.
Some say the vote is in the bag for Onorato. I say that your vote for the progressive candidate will have ramifications regardless of the outcome of the election. It does matter and they will pay attention to the support Joe receives.
The important thing is that the choice is yours to make. That's the beauty of being an American citizen. In spite of all the ridiculous things we see in the media each day, you have the opportunity to participate in the electoral process and be part of the solution. Don't lose site of that fact. Your vote matters.
Sermon off. 🙂