Attached is the letter to Senator John McCain from First Class Petty Officer Lonnie Allen.
Update 4:45 PM
The protestors are not from Get Equal or Equality Across America. They belong to an Arizona organization called HERO (Human and Equal Rights Organizers) based on Phoenix.
The protestors are reported to have been arrested, cited and released.
Photo from the event courtesy of Luis Garcia.
Meg Sneed, Jimmy Gruender, Lee Walters, (Lonnie) Allen Howard-Stidham and Luisa Valdez
More photos here. (h/t Feast of Fun)
From Towleroad.
Five protestors are staging a sit-in at Senator John McCain's office to demand the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Staff is threatening to have them arrested. They are demanding to speak with the Senator.
Also, new group – Equal Across the US in the spirit of Get Equal.
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