Jesus, Mary and Joseph … this is exactly why we need a strong gay ally at the helm of the Commonwealth.
Representative Phyllis Mundy of Luzerne County says she has introduced her “Children in Foster Care Act” legislation during every session since 2005. But this time, she’s made some adjustments that may make the bill more popular, by omitting a section that would have protected children against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Because many children are in foster care because of their sexual orientation, she says the clause would be relevant in the bill of rights. However, since she’s had trouble passing it with that inclusion, she says she’d “rather pass an imperfect bill than no bill at all.”
They can't pass a bill that protects children from being abused in foster care based on their sexual orientation? I know we are battling mightily to add sexual orientation to non-discrimination laws, hate crimes laws, etc. But this is pretty despicable.
I'd be lying if I said I'm incredulous. Three years in foster care taught me quite a bit, mostly about the wonderful kind people who step forward to parent children in foster care. The best foster parents I knew were able to separate their personal opinions from the requirements to provide care consistent with the regulations. Christian parents kept Jewish and Muslim children connected to their cultures. This was true across boundaries of race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc.
That doesn't mean there aren't unscrupulous people who don't fulfill their duty and moral obligation to these children. This issue hasn't been on the radar that I've seen. I'm going to get more information. Clearly, LGBT adults need to do some educating of our legislators on this issue.
This is just a post to raise awareness that this is an issue. The campaigns are sexy, but we can't lost site of issues. I don't know if we can make an impact now or later on this issue, but I hope we can at least make sure we keep it on our radar.