My list of PA and Pgh politician tweeps continues to grow. I”m up to 87 accounts now.
Republicans are jumping on board the social media wagon at a much faster rate than Democrats. I did add the PA House Democratic Campaign Committee and Dan Keller who is running for the House seat in the 20th district (against Chet/Adam Ravenstahl who has no actual presence except for an allegedly hefty war chest).
But this morning, I learned that US Congressional candidate Mary Beth Buchanan is tweeting. From her page, I found SIX GOP clubs that are using Twitter. Three updated within the past 24 hours, 2 within the past month and 1 last tweeted in June 2009. I also found another GOP State Senator and the Senate Republican Caucus.
The local GOP is actually conducting a full-scale social media training, including Twitter, for committee folks. They are embracing this technology. Democrats can't let Bill Peduto and Natalia Rudiak do all the heavy lifting. Complacency is not a good organizing tool.
Surely all those $3000 fees that ACDC will be collecting this go around can pay for a little training?