Snow Day Six #snOMGpgh

Well, I woke up at 6 AM completely confused about which day of the week I was facing.  I'm still technically off work, but I have to do some shopping for the sites and residents so I'm off to Giant Eagle. I also have to drive Ledcat to work as her vehicle is a giant lump of snow, in spite of several shovelings.  I have appointment in Oakland at 11:30 so here's hoping Oakland Catholic is plowed out so I can find parking.  Then I have to shovel. Again. 

I don't mind shoveling the front walk enough to trudge between the sidewalk piles to get to the street.  It is keeping the back deck clean enough for the dogs that is futile with the wind.  Deus is “reluctant” to descend the steps to the yard so I have to keep chipping away the ice and spreading dog friendly salt.  It is never ending task as dogs need to visit yard several times during the day.  I am sure it will be compounded with the looming melt-freeze cycle we'll hit soon, followed by another 2 inches of snow Sunday night. 

Every time we go out, I am whisked back to 1977 when a blizzard engulfed the region. I remember the “fun” part of life — snow tunnels, sledding, snowman building.  I also remember being afraid of the really high walls of snow along the walk and the incessant whine of tires trying to get off the street and get working men like my Dad… to work.  Driving on North Avenue yesterday, I was transported back in spite of my 4wd, GPS, Blackberry and accoutrements of modern life.  I've compared every winter since with that experience (I was in Baton Rouge for the 1993 blizzard).  Grown up blizzard is very different than 6 year old blizzard experience. 

Is anyone else ready to scream by the sound of a shovel scraping the sidewalk?  Then you immediately feel guilty because you have power, heat, food, 4wd and nice neighbors to help you out. 

Not much news from the local LGBT front.

The GLCC has been closed due to the weather.  OUTrageous Bingo is on for Saturday night. 

The Steel-City Stonewall Endorsement meeting is coming up on March 28, 2010.  To vote in the endorsement, you'll need to be a SCSD member.  You can become a member for as little as $15 which gives you a say in the overall power of the LGBTQ community in the region.  Your voice can say that we matter when it comes to politics.  I know the location is very awkward for a LGBTQ meeting (steakhouse on the Northshore ???) but I urge you to consider joining.  Whether your cause is the former Art for AIDS or Pridefest, all of those services and progams are impacted by the people in office.  Those events are meaningless if we continue to elect socially conservative Democrats who do not value and appreciate us enough to afford us equal citizenship in Pennsylvania. 

I promise to post the SCSD questionnaires in plenty of time for you to read up on the candidates, along with a little commentary of course.  🙂

Nationally, Twitter has been buzzing that Lt. Dan Choi has been reactivated for duty in spite of his impending discharge under “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.”  That's not quite accurate.  Lt. Choi is doing his regular rotation of National Guard Duty.  That's a good thing in that he hasn't been stripped of these duties, but it doesn't mean he's being deployed anytime soon or that his legal standing regarding discharge.

A letter in the PG Community Forums regarding ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Well, kudos to our intrepid PG delivery person who struggled through the snow to get us a fresh paper.  I'm off to refill the coffee mug, take a look at the paper and head out to deliver Ledcat to work. 

Hope your day is warm, well-lit and safe.


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