Brrrr… I'm meeting with someone from the Pride Committee today to chat about their plans for 2010. It is very nice to think about Pride aka June on a day like this. I like days that lead to snuggling on the couch with a book, but not to going outside for errands. Unfortunately, I need to buy dog food for the woofers.
I'm also thinking about a Wii Fit Plus. I get a health stipend at work and I have a gift card so it seems like a good idea. Anyone have one?
Not much happening in Pittsburgh's LGBT community this week. The biggest item of interest will be Monday's election of a City Council President. Conventional wisdom says it boils down to Ricky Burgess and Bill Peduto. Some LGBT persons mistakenly think Burgess is anti-gay; I think he's just less gay friendly. Still, Peduto is my choice. Burgess has not completed an actual term on Council which makes him less experiences to be the second in command of the City. Peduto has the experience, both as a staffer and a Councilperson. He's capable of assuming leadership should Ravenstahl aspire to run for County Executive in the middle of his term. Peduto is a smart, capable man with proven leadership experience. He's certainly well-versed in local politics, including finance matters and has proven to be open-minded and fair.
Bilerico has the top ten LGBT stories of 2009. (I'm already saying Twenty-Oh-Nine!). Top of the list? The passage of federal Hate Crimes legislation. Keep this in mind LGBT burghers. 'Nother reason for you to join Steel City Stonewall Democrats. Yeah, I keep going there. Cause it matters to your family. Seriously.
My Dad joined Facebook. We were over there for the New Year pork/saurkraut meal and I loved his little “Dad cave” in the basement with computer and small television, where he is joined by the two cats and dog. I am counting the days until he is on Mafia wars. Or his niece Meggie gets him into Fishville. Either way, I predict my mother will be mad at me.
Glad to see MSM coverage of a custody/kidnap case involving lesbians. Ex-gay Lisa Miller has engaged in cat and mouse antics for years involving sharing custody of her daughter with her former partner. You know, the girl's other parent. She's gone AWOL, but the state isn't yet considering this a kidnap situation, but rather a civil matter. I hope the resources are in place to find this child so she doesn't end up in Brazil and seriously damaged by protracted custody battles. Lots of people deal with custody issues when they don't approve of their co-parent's lives. You deal with it for the sake of your child. So sad.
Have I written about yoga at the GLCC? Sundays 4:30 – 5:30 at the GLCC. I should really give it a try today because I woke up this morning with my arm extended straight out from the side of the bed (parallel to floor) which has left me with a strange muscle issue thingy going on. Not sure why I was sleeping like that, but my last dream remnant involved teaming up with Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle to infiltrate Christian oppressors keeping the gays hostage in our world on the first floor of the Southside Works cinema. Do you think seeing Avatar impacted my subconcsious?
Speaking of books, I'm in the midst of Brian O'Neill's “Paris of Appalachia” right now. Ledcat had him autograph a copy for me (i'm blushing) and it is a real gem. I have it on my nightstand to ease me into the night and my only sadness is that it will inevitably end. Ledcat is excited that she'll have a chance to read it then. I am a bookie and true black/gold Pittsburgher, but I can't quite capture how much I love this book. I will have to get a copy for my Dad's birthday. OK, enough. I love you Brian. There I've said it. You make me happy to live on the Northside, even if my drug dealing neighbor's friends menaced me today. I can deal with it!
Well, that's it for now, kids. Busy week ahead. But, tonight, Ledcat makes me a homemade meal and I don't have to wrestle 87 bags of recycling to the curb. Its gonna be a good night.