Contented thoughts

Has been a busy week at Lesbian Central. Steel City holiday party Weds eve was nice — they (we?)are looking for new board members. Give it some thought; you don't have to be a political junkie to make an impact. You just have to care and be willing to roll up your sleeves.
I'd like to see some LGBT parents get involved. The front burner issues, such as domestic partner benefits and anti-dicriminatio legislation, should hit home for those raising children. Your voices are needed at the table for the sake of your children.
I've also been working long hours seeking donations for holiday projects. Response has been delightful and very humbling. It really lifts you up to see someone smile over unexpected Christmas present, young and old alike.
If you'd like to help, it is not too late. Gifts of socks, gloves, blankets and $5 gift cards to Subway and similar restaurants can be “gifted” to people on xmas day, folks who are taking shelter in the mangers about town. Contact me if you can help.
I am hoping to work on a story about local and municipal folks using social media. I have been compiling a Twitter list of Pgh and PA pols using Twitter — I have 51 so far. Check it out and let me know if you have adds.
More later when I am at my laptop, if I'm not asleep! I have to find a 4T Steeler or Pens shirt for my nephew. Any suggestions?
Sue Kerr
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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