It iS saTurDAY

So much to review and comment upon … the weeks just fly by these days. 

I have become a devote of The Today Show.  I used to be an avid morning NPR listener, but one day I clicked on the television and Harry n Maggie won my heart.  I don't know why. Is it middle age?  The proximity of the television to my laptop and morning coffee?  I don't know.  But I like it.

The PG profiles a gay couple with Pgh connections in a heartbreakding description of how unfair immigration laws devastate our families. 

Immigration reform is clearly a hot topic and adding the issue of LGBT relationships is bound to stir the pot, the pot that isn't even on the stove.  A national LGBT email list to which I subscribe brings this legislative topic every once in awhile, but it lacks traction.  The PG piece does a heartbreaking job of showing how the lack of legal federal relationship recognition is patently unAmerican. 

Darryl Metcalfe is his ridiculous self, labeling veterans as traitors for embracing the leftist agenda.  Classy.  He finally has a challenger, but enjoys 60%+approval ratings so it is going to take a lot of effort to address that situation.

Laura and I will be joining Mackenzie Carpenter for her Post-Gazette Ominvore podcast this week.  We'll be talking about SisterShout and other LGBT news.  That's a bit of exciting news. 

Pam's House Blend has the story on Maine's battle to maintain marriage equality crossing the $4million threshold, monies mostly raised from individual donors.  The anti-marriage equality opponents have been mostly funded by the looming shadow of NOM which is based in New Jersey.  So New Jersey corporation funding a Maine ballot initiative.  Hmmm. 

Pittsburgh's feminist and female football fan community continue to remain ominously silent on the allegations that Big Ben raped a woman.  They are equally silent on some of his more egregious attempts to quash the case … well, let me be specific, the feminists have been silent.  Women who believe Big Ben is not a rapist and spew the same 'she didn't come forward quickly enough to have credibility' are pretty vocal.  Shame on all of us.

Let me leave you with this touching video, a reminder that we should never assume who allies themselves with our community.


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