This morning I was driving across the 16th street bridge when a man in a large truck began blowing his horn at me because evidently I wasn't driving fast enough. This is a new level of rudeness I have been experiencing-some people beleive that if you don't move as soon as the light turns green or bully someone in front of you they have the right to blow their horn on your ass. Rude. Stupid. Ignorant beyond words. So I gave him the one finger salute. But it gets better, he pulled in front of me cutting me off–he evidently thought he could move the cars in front of me better than me. So I blew my horn at him. He then pulled beside me and began calling me a cunt, a bitch, a lesbian bitch and some other choice words. I din't flinch and kept saying, yeah, that's right and how does it feel when someone blows their horn on you? Evidently like most bullies he didn't like it. So, when a woman does something a man doesn't like, he feels perfectly free to use gay slurs toward me and call me other demeaning names. And he had to go for the gay slurs because it wasn't enough to demean me as a woman. So, to Senator Eichelberger and all the other people who think words don't matter and they allow us to exist, this is an example of the deep seated B.S. prejudice LGBT people have to put up with.