Not a lot to report on the local front. The dueling marriage equality bills are not generating the outpouring of letters to the editor we experienced in 2006 and 2008. Maybe you could write one?
New Hampshire votes on marriage equality today.
Check out the comments section to see (for once!) a constructive outcome to disagreement. Outrage is coming to Pittsburgh, the Film Society wants to support the film and people have good suggestions on a potential panel discussion. Now that's how blogging should be all the time!
Blogging for LGBT Families drew over 100 blog participants. I also discovered a new PA blog … Philadelphia Gay Parenting Examiner. Check it out.
Everyone and their brother wants to be involved in the G-20 summit. There's really no gay angle, however. Unless the County Council …finally … passes the non-discrimination ordinance and we can join 14 other Pennsylvania municipalities in the economic forefront. We have no real LGBTQ economic hook here in Pittsburgh. We do have, however, the opportunity to take a closer look at LGBTQ global issues. What's life look like for the average homo in the G-20 nations? More to come on that …
DC wants to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. A group of pastor-bigots wants to block that legislation. Another group of pastors think otherwise:
“I personally don't support the notion that it should be put to a referendum,” Dennis Wiley said, “because I think the point is very clear that the rights of a minority should never be subject to a vote of the majority.”
Chime in if anything floats your boat.