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 Here are a few tidbits that seem randomnly interesting this morning.

Cybil Shepherd's daughter, Clementine, has come out.

This is not random.  Iraq is set to execute more than 100 people beginning next week.  Among them are individuals convicted of homosexuality.  Groups from the UN to Amnesty International are intervening on the basis that the trials may not have been carried out appropriately.

Connecticut's Senate will vote on a marriage bill.  This I found interesting

In a compromise, according to Newsday, legislators will allow churches and church-controlled properties to deny use of their facilities for same-sex marriage ceremonies if they oppose the practice on religious grounds. Individual clergy members may also refuse to perform same-sex marriages, but state actors, such as justices of the peace, must comply with the law.

I think faith communities should have this right everywhere.  They shouldn't be forced to marry anyone.  That's not helping the cause.  This seems like an obvious aspect of the law rather than a negotiated compromise.  Now I do not think someone representing the state should be able to duck the law on the grounds of their personal beliefs.

Over in Vermont, the Governor was promised to veto a marriage bill, prompting an onslaught of mail. According to the AP, letters to the Governor are running 60% in favor of the bill, 40% opposed.  The Governor believes the existant civil unions legislation is enough.

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