Lynn Cullen. It is official. Gay people, rejoice.
Interesting women's music show.
The SUNSTAR Women in Music Festival
(March 5th – 7th, 2009) features a full roster of independent music
artists and includes concerts, workshops and special events celebrating
emerging & world class music makers. Named in honor of our most
precious and energizing resource, the sun, the SUNSTAR
Festival intends to acknowledge, recognize and support the many women
who are creating phenomenal music and will present emerging and
established Pittsburgh based artists as well as nationally acclaimed
guest artists, Toshi Reagon and Bahamadia.
Also, coming up later this month is another Dykes on Bikes fundraiser, this to benefit the Pittsburgh Dyke March.
Those leather clad biker dykes are back and hosting another fundraiser. Join the Pittsburgh Chapter of Dykes on Bikes® as they host “The Butch Femme” party to raise funds to help the organizers of the Pittsburgh Dyke March. All are welcome to attend and express their butch or femme identity. Come dressed to the hilt in ties and suits or barely covered in thigh highs and short skirts. All expressions of butch femme presentation is welcome from all those who support our GLBT community.
Music for this event will be provided by DJ Adele and the naughty DOB shooter girls will be selling their toxic jello shots. There may even be some performances based on butch/femme expression and other activities to celebrate. Come help support the Dyke March and party with the women of Dykes on Bikes®.
This event hosted by the Pittsburgh Chapter of Dykes on Bikes® or email us at
Where: Cattivo
When: Saturday March 21st
Cover: $3
Time: 9pm until close
Party Partners:
This might sound strange, but participating in this event is a good way to flex your political/advocacy chops this month. The Pittsburgh Dyke March will be three years old this year and is a true grassroots effort to lift up voices that are not typically at the table. How many blue collar queer women sit on local boards or have any decision making authority in the local community? To beat my familiar drum, it would be a stunning victory to see someone who identifies as a dyke on the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committee. The organizers stood up to those who pushed them to compromise their values and are a good example of how to get organized. Last year, the Lambda Foundation stepped in to help the event and, this year, Dykes on Bikes picks up the charge to keep this important event alive and flourishing.
You can influence advocacy efforts and empower dykes in our community to continue growing their influence. And before anyone casts some anti-feminist stone, remember that Dykes on Bikes founder Miranda Vey came out in on a blistery cold day in January and spoke about her experiences as part of the Big Queer Rally. By organizing this event, she literally puts her money where her mouth is.
Mark the date on your calendar.
So, selling booze at a party in a bar with sexy girls “barely covered in thigh highs and short skirts” and the “naughty DOB shooter girls” forcing “their toxic jello shots” down peoples throats is “a good way to flex your political/advocacy chops?” I guess sex and booze sells. I've read dozens of posts on this blog condemming the gay guys for doing this. Is it only ok if the dykes do it? I think we have a double standard here…
If the gay guys want to dress in thigh highs and chug jello shooters, I think you'll have my support. I keep being pigeonholed as this anti-sex/anti-alcohol presence which is decidenly not true. There's a big difference between women expressing their sexuality in a femme/butch fantasy scenario and exploiting the underage boy fetish to sell your product. That's the kind line I draw. Have I ever criticized the men's leather scene for their sex/alcohol themed fundraisers? No.
A more diverse array of Pride events is better for the whole community. If Dykes on Bikes helps make that happen, both by their presence in the parade and financially supporting the Dyke March, hurrah for them. Hurrah for all of us.
Sue – Can you give us a little insight. I thought that a lesbian who was with Delta had issues with the Dyke March? I didn't think the gay guys were involved. I looked up the article in the City Paper and it looked like a personal conflict? What's the deal?
So you are accusing the gay boys of having underage boy fetishes? I attended Pride in the Street, Splash, Spark etc. and I can tell you I have NO interest in under the age of 21 for that matter.
These accusations will get you in trouble one of these days!
I can't speak for either side, but the City Paper article makes it clear that it was a difference of vision between the two organizations. There was no mention of a personal conflict. I'm not sure how you got that impression.
The good news is that other groups in the community have stepped forward to keep the Dyke March going strong. I am not familiar with Delta's plans for Pride this year, but if the Dyke March is self-sustaining then that's win for everyone, right?
I did not make any such accusation. I said there is a difference between gay adults reveling in their sexuality and enjoying alcohol and gay adults who exploit underage boy fetishes. Would you agree?
All these accusations about me attacking the gay boys because I think greater dyke visibility is a good thing? Come on, you are just proving my point about the need for stronger presence by disenfranchised voices in the queer community. You can do better than that. Pride in the Streets and Splash aren't in any way diminished by a Dykes on Bikes fundraiser or a Dyke March. Good grief.
What “underage boy fetish” are you talking about? Who is exploiting underage boys or underage boy fetishes?