Breaking news from the PG about one of the opponents of the HRC ordinance.
Allegheny County Councilman Charles McCullough has been arrested and he is awaiting arraignment today on nearly two dozen counts following an investigation last year of his handling of an elderly widow's trust funds.
A county grand jury today handed up a 54-page presentment that alleges Mr. McCullough, an attorney, and his sister, Kathleen A. McCullough, bilked money from the $14.5 million trust fund of an Upper St. Clair widow, Shirley H. Jordan, 90.
The investigation began after an article appeared in the Post-Gazette in April 2007 in which Mrs. Jordan denied that she donated $10,000 to each of four political candidates the year before, according to an affidavit that accompanied the arrests of Mr. McCullough and his sister.
The affidavit said Kathleen McCullough had been paid “the exorbitant rate of $60 per hour to be a companion,” to Mrs. Jordan. Ms. McCullough was paid more than $4,500 as Mrs. Jordan's companion, the affidavit said.
This is the hypocrisy that sickens me, especially after reading the Christian-laced bigotry and hatred in the testimony record from January 15, 2009. The guy from Blumengarten Flowers doesn't want US near his kids, but would he want Councilman McCullough near his elderly parents? No one asks that question.
I find this especially disgusting because I've been working to get my own grandmother services so she doesn't have to go into a nursing home, especially after the stories broke about Kane Glen-Hazel and Montefiore patients dying on the rooftop. It is frightening and the process to avoid this scenario is arduous and frustrating. I've been at it for more than six months and we still have two more hurdles to overcome. The good people who do the attendant care make probably $9.00/hour and we've had some wonderful, wonderful people come into her home. The idea that he would pay his own sister $60 for companion care AND get to vote on the budget that sets the salary for the Kane nursing home staff makes me throw up a little in my own mouth.
Will he resign?