Pittsburgh LGBTQ Advocacy Email List Forms

The Mayor is looking for a few good queers, but has been rather circumspect about his selection criteria, process and other issues related to transparency.  Hope that works out.

Meanwhile, back at Lesbian Central, we've decided to stop the massive CC and BCC email messages from spiraling out of control by establishing an email list focusing on LGBTQ advocacy efforts in this region.  While political discussion is welcome, this is a list for folks who want to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty whether staffing a booth or drafting press releases or organizing sound systems or knocking on doors.  The list is non-partisan and not affiliated with any particular organization.  That being said, some of the discussion may be about candidates and campaigns as well as information updates from the various groups working on relevant issues. 

People who abuse these guidelines will be removed.  This isn't a blog for a comment war and it is not a bully pulpit for anyone.  This is also not a list for general announcements about fundraisers, events, meetings, potlucks or other such topics unless they have a very direct and concrete relationship to advocacy.  For that need, I suggest you check out the Queer Events List at http://groups.google.com/group/Queer-Event-Listings which is a great resource. 

The list is confidential and off the record.  Nothing should be forwarded or published without explicit permission of the author(s).   Bloggers are welcome to join if you can abide by those rules and, hopefully, be part of the process. 

So why announce it on a blog?  Well, I believe there is more than one individual out there who would like to get involved and this is a mechanism to get yourself informed and take that first step.  The trick is that this is where we will get down to the nitty gritty and generate a lot of email in the days leading up to specific events — who is handling the coffee, let's all review the flyers, does the sound system work, did anyone print directions, is there a schedule of speakers, etc.  This is not a list for a fly on the wall.  It is a list for people who want to do something. 

The website is http://groups.google.com/group/pgh-lgbtq-advocacy   You can request membership.  If I do not recognize your email, I'm gonna ask you to give me some more details on who you are. 

Sound interesting?  Visit the site and sign up.  You can always opt to leave or set your membership to no mail and just check the website every so often to catch up on posts. 

Join the Impact.


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