Some things you might have missed.
Allegheny County Council might pass a countywide anti-discrimination bill that protects us based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The legislation would establish a county Human Relations Commission. I know some folks who have been working on this. It is good news for the region.
Without dragging out the drum of bitterness, I just wish this forward movement didn't come at the cost of unfinished business in the City. Our LGBT votes have been handed over lock, stock and barrel to Luke Ravenstahl's next campaign without holding him accountable for promises he made to the head of th STATE Human Relations Commission. Now Dan has his eye on the Governor's manse and suddenly advocacy attention swivels to the County. I guess you gotta go where the opportunity is, but couldn't someone have stayed behind to clean up the mess?
Plus, my recent experience with the State Human Relations Commission was less than positive. More bureacracy doesn't mean better quality of life for queers. Just like a Domestic Registry doesn't mean a better quality of life for poor unmarried couples. Necessarily. Hopefully, the advocates follow through on this one and build a structure that affirms all families and is accessible to all families.
On a bright note, the City Paper City Guide did a nice feature on Pink Party Productions.
And Pink Party Productions doesn't just hold parties in the strict sense of the word. While some of the events are still house parties, the group has shown movies in Schenley Park, and built a float for this year's Dyke March. It's also put together shows like last spring's “Gay-Straight Defiance Party” at Lawrenceville hangout Belvedere's (where Avery works running the sound board). That event featured local and national bands and local DJs, and was billed as an event for the GLBTQ community and its straight allies. The event was a huge success; Avery says it drew about 200 people.
I haven't been to many PPP events yet. Mostly, because I feel too old to attend. And I avoid bars. I did enjoy the float at the Dyke March. And we did go to the movies in the park — that was awesome. I had a really nice time there. So keep your eyes peeled for upcoming events. Check out their upcoming events!
So that's it. Ft. Pitt.