It really isn't that there's a dearth of LGBTQ news to analyze and share. I'm just not feeling it lately. I have this weird kidney thing going on (not diabetes related at all, thank god) and I basically drag myself out of bed every single day feeling like a dishrag. The one you tossed into the laundry. Yesterday. After one final giant squeeze.
I couldn't even make it through my class reunion. I went, saw about a dozen people and came home to lay on my bed and moan. Sort of like the scene from '>When Harry Met Sally. Not that scene. The one when Harry lays in bed moaning after hanging up the telephone with Sally. That was me last night. To tell the truth, I wasn't entirely disappointed about missing the reunion (except for the wasted $$) because I pretty much keep in touch with the few people whom I care about catching up with at this point in my life. I wish the others well, but it just felt so contrived. I don't think I'll go to another reunion. Maybe when I'm 67 and fewer people show up. Does that sound awful?
I glanced through the reunion book and noted that I am the only out homo in the whole thing. So that's wasn't awkward at all. Fortunately, my classmates were more hung up on the fact that I was in the Post-Gazette for my former pet sitting business several years ago. I should be flattered that people paid attention. Aside from people I currently know, I couldn't tell you the occupation of 5 of my former classmates without at least 3 lucky guesses. And one of them was in the Post-Gazette himself.
Today, I still feel icky. We had breakfast at The Square and then did some much needed grocery shopping. Speaking of which, I learned via the Queer Events list that the Square is hiring a barista. Check it out if you are interested.
On an international level, this amusing little commercial from Heinz caused quite the furor in England because of … well, watch it and see.
It is cute, but I can't believe it created an international furor. Clearly, the joke is the play on the deli part of the deli-man, not the man part Heinz in good fashion pulled the ad for fear of offending people. So sad.
How Do I send a comment or inquiry about a Heinz Product online?
At Heinz, we look forward to hearing what's on our customers' minds. If you would like to send a question or a comment via email, . We also welcome you to call our toll-free number at 800.255.5750 or send a letter to Heinz Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 57, Pittsburgh, PA 15230.
While the celebration continues in California, Arizona faces another ballot initiative about a gay marriage amendment. Note that Arizona has already defeated one such initiative at the ballot box — a landmark accomplishment. Pam has the scoop. What is important to note is that this verion of the hate eliminated the broad language to reduce claims that they might be hatin' on unmarried heterosexual couples and seniors and so forth. Smooth.
The tough call here is that a lot of funds are being poured into California. So who is going to help Arizona? Hopefully, the prospect of seeing Ellen marry Portia doesn't completely overshadow folks in other states.
Speaking of how this impacts us locally, I just sent an email to Bruce Kraus, Doug Shields and Tonya Payne (my councilwoman) asking for some feedback on the Domestic Partner Registry. I'm hoping to have a constructive dialogue on how to make the registry valuable for moderate and low income families living in the City and/or employed by the City. The man called Potter has alluded that the City Paper might look into the relatively small number of employees utilizing DP bennies and I'd really look forward to the outcome of that investigation.
Well, that's it from Lesbian Central. I have to go refill my drink — kidneys need hydration. Oh, I should say that our nephew is home and doing great. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. I'm staying away until I feel better just to be on the safe side.