Today would be my friend John's 42nd birthday.  I met John when I was 14 years old and he was 18.  His mother moved next door to my parents where she lives to this day.  He helped me get a job, took me to my prom and was one of the best friends I ever had. 

John was a veterinarian and one of the best. Animals just connected with him in a way I've seen nowhere else.  It was sad that illness took him away from the career he was born to pursue.  It was even sadder when that illness took his life this past November, leaving behind a heartbroken family of both two-footed and four-footed folks. 

I'm still missing my Mona.  Last night – two weeks after her death –, my friends lost their wonderful dog unexpectedly and we cried together.  I imagined Mona waiting for him in some sunny field.  I also imagine John choosing to be in dog heaven instead of people heaven.  And I don't really believe in heaven. 🙂 

Happy birthday, dear friend.  I miss you and I know you are taking great care of my girl and her friend. 


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