There's been quite a little exchange going on at the Tribune Review with readers from New York City with Pgh roots defending the homosexuals and folks from Jeannette and Squirrel Hill condeming us.
The latest round features a January 25 letter from New York explaining how anti-gay rhetoric impacts his family:
Growing up Catholic and gay in Greensburg, I can attest to the harm produced by such language. Through 16 years of Catholic education I was demeaned on the playground and from the pulpit.
My heart broke as my parents' priest took a public stand against my marriage and encouraged others to fight against my family. It pressed the old wounds that made me as a boy want to end my life. Gay children listen to this same hurtful message today.
Kris Sanders of Squirrel Hill comes roaring back in full attack mode.
He throws the stones and then bandages himself so as to look like the victim. Indeed, the pro-homosexual lobby uses “hate speech” laws as a means to stifle Christian preachers in many parts of the world.
Clearly, this lobby wants to pressure the Catholic Church into endorsing the morally disordered acts of homosexuality — such as two men pretending they can live as husband and wife.
I don't know any married gay men who pretend to be husband and wife. That's silly rhetoric designed to drag a little genderbashing into the discussion.
Kris doesn't get that. We aren't pretending to be anything. Well, we pretend to be straight at work and school and church, but that's a matter of survival and self-preservation.
But my point is …. why are gay men from New York City filling the pages of the Tribune Review with this discussion, while the multitudes of local homos remain quiet? Why aren't local folks writing letters? You don't have to live in Greensburg! Pick up a pen. Respond to Kris Sanders pigeonholing your family as a homosexual lobby.
Sorry for you pain. When you get a chance check out our trailer on Gay Marriage. Produced to educate & defuse the controversy it has a way of opening closed minds, even the religious right & provides some sanity on the issue:
After three years in DC where LGBT couples walk openly holding hands on the street in broad daylight and no one but the tourists bats an eye, being back in Pittsburgh has been a real shock to the system. I love our little town, but the narrow-mindedness makes me cringe sometimes.
We aren't filling the pages of the Trib because we are smart enough to read the PG!