In today's Tribune Review, I found ample evidence of the need for our entire community and our allies to remain vigilant. It is a simple letter to the editor and I'm sure no one is surprised to read a pro-Catholic/anti-gay marriage letter there. Nonetheless, this letter isn't guised as some hysterical screed invoking horrific images of a thunderous God striking down the homo sinners.
In his letter “Gays & the church” (Jan. 16 and, Anthony Brown of New York City indicates that all gay couples want is tax, health, pension, visitation and death protections that are a part of marriage.
Currently in Pennsylvania there are no limitations on visitation rights and no restrictions on who can benefit in a will. Tax, health and pension benefits are economic in nature. It is interesting that what seems most important to the author is the economic “benefits” he could gain if his relationship were to be legally recognized as being equivalent to marriage.
If people start becoming partners so that they can share economic benefits, Social Security, Medicare and pension plans will become bankrupt. Employer-subsidized health care will cease to exist as people claim to be couples in order to exploit benefits. Rather than become embroiled in the need to determine who is and who is not a legitimate couple, companies will simply not offer spousal benefits to anyone.
Brown referred to spiritual intolerance and said it's “time for the Catholic Church to reach out to its gay and lesbian members, not marginalize them.”
While Catholic and most other Christian churches do not support a gay lifestyle, they do not turn away gays and do not condone negative behavior toward those who make that choice.
Christian churches uphold the values that are documented in the Bible, which include compassion for others, and confirm that marriage is a lifelong bond between man and woman, based on love and respect, not based on economic benefits.
I applaud the Diocese of Greensburg in supporting the proposed marriage amendment for Pennsylvania.
Daniel Merkovsky
For every such letter published, we must have multiple contacts with our elected officials and the general public. We need people to understand our issues and our lives and our stories.
Contact you senator today. You have to do it before Monday. It will take just a few moments of your time.
Now I'm going to enjoy a few chuckles at the expense of Mr. Merkovsky's oblivion with regard to marriage as an economic pact.