Today's PG gave me the heads up on a new social networking phenomenon, GLEE – Gay, Lesbian & Everyone Else. I have a little MySpace page which I rarely use. I also have a Facebook page that has proven more useful in reconnecting with old friends and a lot easier to use. Then, there is Linked In, a professional networking site. That one is pretty innocuous.
Overall, the sites aren't all that and a bag of chips. Facebook is my preferred social networking site. I've found a few friends from both high school and college, plus I can keep up with my brother and his family.
None of the sites are particularly connected to my gay identity. The relationship options offered by Facebook default to heteronormative standards — that kind of sucks. There are tons of LGBT groups set up on both Facebook and MySpace. MySpace is more difficult to use and it suits me when I'm a little manic, but not on a day to day basis.
So I thought GLEE would be worth a whirl. It is very cumbersome. I enrolled earlier today and have yet to receive my verification email. Setting up “my page” was boring. I scrolled through other profiles of those online from Pittsburgh and it felt very “get a date” like. None of my actual friends appear to be in the network, but I could be wrong. So I'll keep my profile up and see what happens. Check it aht!