My good friend Cat Specter has photoshopped herself from girl-next-door-in-jaunty-beret to come-hither-girl-in-jaunty-beret. It is like watching Betty Crocker's image change in fast-forward.
Her obsession with the 'go girl attitude' has mellowed a bit, but she still comes across as a woman trying to hard to be relevant, witty and wise without breaking a nail. It is probably a trap any 'advice columnist' would struggle to resist, especially in a City this size. I just feel kind of sorry for this woman because I read her as trying to get the cool girls to like her. Tony Norman likes her, so there must be some substance underneath all the family connections and privilege and Sarah Jessica Parker worship.
Is she ever revisits the awful advice she gave about witnessing racism, I'll know she's making some progress.
I suppose we should be grateful she's not wearing a pink Steeler man-dress and waving a “I Heart PittGirl” banner. <Yes, I referenced coopting PittGirl as a symbol of the distorted you go girl attitude. Yes, I read PittGirl. I'm relevant. Whatever.>