An open letter from one very cool chick with the Women's Law Project … please use the email link or pick up your phone to speak up on this issue. Especially those of you who live outside of the City of Pittsburgh.
Note: this legislation includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. I would hope that regardless of your position in the recent CTN discussion, you would agree that a transwoman should not lose her job no matter where she is in her transition.
We gotta pick up the phones, folks, if we want to build a better society for ourselves.
I am very proud of my State Rep, Chelsa Wagner, for co-sponsoring the legislation. So this my public thank you as requested by Tara.
Here's Tara's letter …
Current Pennsylvania law provides basic legal protection against
discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, sex,religion, ancestry,
age, national origin, handicap or disability, education and the use of a
guide dog, *but not sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression*.
State Rep. Frankel introduced House Bill 1400 to correct this problem. This
bill will add language to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment and
public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or
A public hearing with the PA State Government Committee about HB 1400 is
scheduled for *Thursday Oct. 4, 2007 12-4pm at University of Pittsburgh,
Cathedral of Learning, Room 2017. * Come show your support for equality for
all people in Pennsylvania. You will hear testimony from leaders in the
LBGT communities, people who have experienced discrimination because of
their sexual orientation and supporters from the business community.
*Can't make the hearing? Please call your state representative. Ask your
representative to support HB 1400. If your Representative is a sponsor of
Frankel's bill then call to say thanks. Please visit to locate contact information for your state
representative. Below is a list of the south west Pa reps that have signed
on as a co-sponsor:*
* *
*Call and say thank you to these reps!! Don't see your state rep.? Call
* *Frankel*
* *Bennington *
* *Biancucci*
* *Costa*
* *Daley*
* *Dermody*
* *DeWeese*
* *Gergely*
* *Levandsky*
* *Petrone*
* *Preston*
* *Readshaw*
* *Wagner*
* *Walko*
* *Wheatley*
Please help support House Bill 1400 by sending this email to at least 10
other people.
Thank you for your commitment to equality.
Tara Reynolds
Tara Reynolds
Family Equality Coordinator
Women's Law Project
Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1860
Pittsburgh, PA 15219