Oh my lord … I cannot believe that Ellen DeGeneres has gone from one of the coolest lesbians around to a whiny, spoiled celebrity brat who pouts on national television because she can't get her way.
DeGeneres and her partner adopted a dog from a rescue. The dog didn't get along with their cats so DeGeneres *gave* the dog to her hairdresser. This violates the contract she (or possibly Portia) signed with the dog rescue which required the dog to be returned to them if the adoption didn't work out.
That's very much standard practice with pet adoptions. You walk into Animal Friends to adopt a small cat and you sign a similar agreement. It protects pets from being bounced around, abused or sold.
So the rescuers reclaimed the dog from the hairdresser. And now they've been receiving death threats from some of those Ellen fans. The ones who like to see her dance and makes cute faces and chat up celebs. Yep, those fans are threatening to kill people for taking care of dogs. While Ellen sobs on television and wants to play the “I'm the adorable lesbian” card in lieu of acknowledging that she created the mess in the first place.
Ellen's fans are making death threats because a millionaire television star acted irresponsibly. Isn't that snazzy?
Ellen needs to admit she made a mistake, make a huge donation to the organization and dedicate a bit of time on her show to educating the public about real animal welfare issues, not the pet plights of the rich and flighty.
The lesbians are disappointed.