So tonight Ledcat and I rolled through the Northside to a favorite watering hole, Cafe Beleza. Kim got us all fixed up with hot chocolate (me) and mango lemon frou frou tea (Ledcat). It has been packed. Ledcat talked over music with staff …. they both went to the Grizzly Bear concert. I have to stop here and try to erase the image of the Berenstein Bears in concert out of my head.
Anyway, some ladies are in the corner doing something on a laptop and a cell phone. This upscale hipster guy is wearing the most beautiful pink striped sweater I've seen well, ever. Some guys were rolling cigarettes which I find strangely attractive and repulsive at the very same time.
I played peek-a-boo with an 11 month old boy. Ledcat read the paper. I tried to think of something interesting to blog about.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was in town for honors and hoopla. He made some homopositive comments. Such as:
After equating that with the belief that “God is a Christian,” Archbishop Tutu spoke of a human family in which members must love one another even when some relatives are obnoxious. When Jesus said he would “draw all” people to himself, he meant both President Bush and the “gay, lesbian and so-called straight,” he said.
So called straight? Desmond cracks me up. He also proceeded to point out that God is not a Christian.
Bishop Duncan was not amused. Snap.
You may have heard that there's a little flap over in Camp Obama? Yes, the Senator invited a notorious ex-gay gospel singer to perform in his “round up the Southern votes” tour. Gays were outraged. So the Obama folks invite a white gay minister to join the tour. ???? Pam has the scoop. It is all very complicated. The ex-gay has a post-ex-gay male lover. The Obama camp claims it can have its cake and eat it too with regard to the African-American vote. The gays don't seem to buy it, particularly many African-American gays. We'll see what happens …
Speaking of Obama and the African-American gay community, Tony Norman does an interesting take on Obama's meeting with the ultimate fag fixer — Dumbledore (you may have heard that he is/was gay?). I have to admit that I didn't get half the allusions. I'm not ashamed to say Tony Norman may be too highbrow for me.
That's it folks. I'm heading home cause this lesbian has to work tomorrow, then head out to a Halloween party in my homemade ensemble.