It looks like I'll be viewing the “Itty Bitty Titty Committee” after all, assuming all goes well next Sunday. So I should actually thank the woman who wrote her somewhat critical missive about lesbians supporting the Pittsburgh International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. She got me off my duff and, well, onto my duff in another venue. With popcorn.
More about the Film Festival
My new friend Isaac talks with the Trib, specifically discussing the change in plans with regard to screening Buffy the Vampire Slayer's musical episode (it involves corporate words like residuals).
The Post-Gazette offers a nice summary of the films.
Mr. Potter's City Paper previews seven days with more expansive synopses and photos! It convinced me I'd like to see Spider Lilies if I have the evening free.
I guess the critical missive woman should thank Mr. Potter and his merry band of scribes for possibly getting me to see two movies in one week.
Speaking of multiple outings, Ledcat talked me into not one, not two, but three concerts in a week's time. Stevie Wonder. Four days later, the Decembrists courtesy of WYEP. Then, Springsteen the very next night.
Then the very next night is the Thomas Merton Center Award Dinner, honoring Cindy Sheehan. TMC is the sponsor of the Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society, not to mention a much-needed beacon for social justice. Show 'em some love.
All of this in the middle of the toy drive at work. Another casualty of Bush's stupid war is the depletion of the local Marine corp, forcing them to stop having Toys for Tots open houses to distribute toys to folks who aren't hooked up with an agency, but still need the toys (and don't bother posting about people abusing the system, blah, blah, blah – these are toys for kids so shut up). So us human service folks — surviving without forgiveness on our student loans — have to pick up the slack. It is a little unnerving to go from managing toys for 70 children to upwards of 1500.
Maybe a little Stevie Wonder will be helpful after all?
One final note this morning. We haven't commented on our girl, Cat Specter , over at the Post-Gazette who has spitting out advice on Tuesday mornings somewhere in the back pages of the magazine section. Just out of curiosity, I glanced at some recent columns to see if she's still hung up the Cattie Bradshaw “you go girl” advice. The good news is that she seems to be avoiding giving bad advice on social issues like racism and has dropped some of the snap-snap witticisms about hooking a man with the right lipstick and a snazzy beret.
The sad news is that she devotes her 5th Anniversary column to a list of stand alone “calls” that don't really merit much ink on their own. I have to temper that by saying she devotes her column to her recently deceased Mother <she sounds like she was a cool lady> and her Father, who is Luke's Solicitor. I wonder if he consults with Cat before advising Luke to fire Police Commanders and promote wife beaters?
When it comes to showing skin, leave something to the imagination. Otherwise, dates have nothing to think about by the time dessert arrives.
They say everybody has a book in him or her — I think that's true. However, illiteracy prevents too many people from reading the books they're unable to write.
Think of your body like money — don't give it unless you feel good about where it's going, how it will be handled and whether it's a safe investment.
If you must use a public bathroom, never let any part of your body peek into the next stall. You get the idea. If not, we already know your name.
I'll end on the jocular gay joke. 🙂
No, wait. I just thought of something — do you think Cat might hang out with Luke? Ick!