Well, surprise! Larry Craig is supposed to announce his resignation this morning, according to the AP.
The GOP is scrambling like mad b/c this puts a safe seat up for grabs. Well, technically they'll get a GOP appointee in to finish Craig's term and then the seat is up in the air in 2008. So of course they convinced him to resign — an unknown non-public-bathroom- associated candidate is much safer.
What sickens me is this double-decker hypocrisy sundae — Craig's self-loathing legislative gay bashing being the first layer. The GOP's willingness to sacrifice a loyal foot soldier to keep up the family values mantra. Throw in a whopping dose of entrapment … delicious!
I won't bore you by pointing out the obvious fact that if the GOP and men like Craig stopped treating gays like substandard human beings, perhaps there would be fewer closeted assholes in public bathrooms.