New York Governor Elliot Spitzer plans to introduce legislation to legalize same sex marriage in New York. What can we say other than — yeah!
Here in Pittsburgh, Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church voted themselves off the island of mainstream Presbyterianity and into the conservative boat known as the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. But its not about the gays.
Although debates over gay ordination and gay marriage get the most attention in the divided denomination, the Rev. Wolling said those were not what spurred the decision to leave. He said he believes the denomination has turned from classical Trinitarian theology and from belief that Jesus is the divine son of God and sole savior of humanity.
Penn State has hired a new coach for the women's basketball team … with the lyrical name of Coquese Washington. I love her already. And I'm not a basketball fan …
Then there's the latest from the Vatican's halls of intolerance …
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official on Monday forcefully branded homosexual marriage an evil and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of “terrorism with a human face.”
Pam talks about the impending legalization of gay couples to adopt in Colorado.