In an appearance on yet another right wingnut talk program, Ricky Sanctimonious played his oh-so-tired homo card. Again.
This time he was on Janet Parshall's America (I wish I had my own America), a nationally syndicated talk radio program. I picked this up from the Raw Story.
Read what Ricky has to say this time …
It is. If you think about it, Janet, from everything from Brokeback Mountain to, you know, all the TV shows that you see promoting and affirming alternative lifestyles — I guess to put it nicely — you would think that the culture would eventually just move in the other direction. But I think these kind of debates are the chance for a public discourse to counter what Hollywood is purveying to our young people. Not just what Hollywood is purveying to young people, to all people. And it's an opportunity for us to get beyond, you know, 'We should treat everybody nicely.' I'm for treating everybody nicely, but that doesn't mean that we need to change the law to recognize a form of marriage that is harmful to our country.
Hey, hey — I wonder if Santorum spokesfag Robert Traynham gets treated nicely when he's asked to spin yet another stupid lie to cover Ricky's ass? You could say he's the right man for that job, but that would be an overly obvious joke.
And, of course, there are still no details on how gay marriage will hurt the country. Perhaps Ricky left that document in Penn Hills when he moved?