Is Catherine Specter Inching Toward Feminism?

This morning, I flipped to the “Just Ask Cat” segment in the PG and almost spilled my coffee.  No, she still has the rich girl slumming as hipster yinzerette photo up.  Its way more interesting than that. And you know how much I look forward to reading Cat's insipid advice each week. 

Cat stood up for women.  Sort of. Women who don't wear makeup.  Or girly clothes.  And sexually active women.  All the good girl no-no's. 

First a letter from a 40 year old divorced man who questions whether he can trust his current lady love to have outgrown her casual sex days of yore.  Cat sort of steps up on this one, informing “Bothered” that his concern for her past is a reflection on his screwed up values and not hers. 

Then comes De-Tom Time who thinks his near perfect “girl” needs to girly up a little bit and asks for advice since “it is way too early to start criticizing her.”


Cat's response:

DEAR DE-TOM: There are myriad reasons why attractive girls with great bods might not have a lot of dates. Don't assume it's because other guys can't see past her lack of makeup and minis. You've had three dates and you want to change her already? Get over yourself. “Near-perfect” is quite something. Take her someplace real; don't just hang out. If she wears overalls to dinner, accept it or move on. And do note, there's never a good time to criticize her.

Cat's Call: The best thing about tomboys — the girl underneath is an elusive surprise, not a given.

Obviously, she has a LONG way to go toward actually valuing women (or offering good advice). 

Sadly, what Specter fails to recognize is her complicity in patriarchal attitudes that treat women like inanimate objects solely existing for their male sexual gratification (and breeding.)  Her constant use of the term “girl” to describe adult females is the obvious starting point for her never ceasing descent into the world where boys will be boys and women will be dissected on Top Ten lists.  

But perhaps there is some faint glimmer of hope that Specter can evolve into an actual dispenser of good advice instead of merely spewing out quasi-flippant comments while licking her 8×10 glossy of Carrie Bradshaw. 

Or maybe not.


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