A local hate group has issued a call for an “evangelistic outreach” to bring their message of hate, bigotry and intolerance to Pittsburgh's LGBT community during the 2006 PrideFest activities.
Rescue Pittsburgh is best known for their “blow up the women's health care center” message of Christian love. However, founder Joseph Parente has tried to hurl invectives at a homo or two in conjunction with his cohorts at Operation Rescue.
On his blog, he writes:
The month of June has become, for some, “pride” month, or a time to parade the sin of homosexuality just as they did in Sodom. Under the banner of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender, sin will be lauded as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. God's Word, however, is clear:
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. –Romans 6:23
We must stand in the gap for those trapped in the bondage of homosexual perversion, boldly speaking the truth that sets the captives free. Jesus Christ is the only one who can rescue us from our sin, please join with us as we love our neighbors enough to tell them the truth.
Uh huh. Well, PrideFest is certainly a good starting point if you are looking for homos in bondage, but most of the BDSM crowd respect the family friendly atmosphere and limit their bondage apparatus. But I digress …
You only have to browse through a few of his blog posts to recognize the Parente is no more an authentic Christian messenger than Barney. Beyond his endless ranting about abortion and baby killing politicians, he actually posts a description and photos of a man who appears to be an employee of the Allegheny County Department of Health and asks his reader(s) to track down information on this person. Nice. I guess Parente learned that little tactic in his domestic terrorism classes. Too bad he ran out of film and only identified one person over the past three months. Perhaps his mom wouldn't increase his allowance and he spent it all buying anti-choice porn over the Internet.
It takes someone really committed to saving babies to allow three young children (10,12 and 14) to be arrested — trying to bring water to Terry Schiavo. That's the kind of good parenting that clearly proves why homosexuals are unfit to raise children!
What you WON'T read on the Rescue Pittsburgh blog is any reference to volunteering at a soup kitchen or food pantry, conducting prison ministry, taking clothing and medicine to the homeless, visiting seniors in nursing homes, OR fostering children. Nope. Not a whisper. Because those are boring run-of-the-mill Christian activities. Parente and his ilk are in it for the glory and the attention. Not to mention the unceasing desire to control the lives of other people.
PrideFest organizers estimate 8,000 people will attend this year's celebration, including several thousand heterosexuals.
Parente usually attracts two dozen or less wingnuts to his little hatefests.
I wonder if they will bring the fetus signs?