Lots of goings on today ….
From the local front, two letters to the editor in the Post-Gazette.
David Schelbe, co-chair of PFLAG Pittsburgh, asks the crucial question — how will amending the Pennsylvani constitution protect marriage?
Amy Beisel of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference opines that a one man/one woman marriage is unique and special, as well as fundamental to the well-being of children. Same old drivel dressed up pretty to defend marriage from a nameless threat. And I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania families that don't meet the one man/one woman threshold love being shoved into second class citizenship along with us homos. Very Christian of you Ms. Beisel … good to know you are working hard so your future husband can make decisions in your best interest. 🙂
Ms Beisel — can you please spell out how … HOW … gay marriage will impact your marriage (or future marriage)?