Starting 2006 on the Left Paw


Greetings from the official pet delegate of the Pittsburgh lesbian correspondents!

2005 was a year of change for Miss Mona.  I moved to a nice new home with a big back yard, soft blue couch and another person to tend to my every whim.  In the process, I acquired 4 more cats to deal with bringing my nuisance factor up to a solid 7.  Yes, 7 vile creatures to interfere with my napping, steal my victuals, and occupy prime lap space. 

Moving on … being the pet delegate requires a lot of work on my part.  I must greet offiicial LGBT envoys, maintain constant communication with the canine community and try not to alienate the felines who seem to be popular in the queer community — who knows why?!?!?!?!

My resolution for 2006 is very simple.  I need more naps to maintain my good looks. 




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