How to Help a Lesbian Have a Hysterectomy 

A lot of folks have been asking how to be helpful when I have surgery and recuperate. This is a one-stop response. By no means do I expect anyone to do these things, but it is my nature to try to be efficient with words. I know folks have been calling Ledcat to make arrangements. And, frankly, I’m feeling super freaked out and anxious so anything to stay focused on recovery is a good way to spend some time.

First, please do not send me flowers or plants. Flowers are beautiful, but our cats eat them and I don’t want to be stressing about the flowers being truly pet friendly. Even if you tell me they are pet friendly, I will be anxious about it so please help me avoid that.

Second, visitors will have to be case by case depending on how I feel. What I’d love would be an email or FB message that I can respond to when I’m feeling good. And maybe an outing in a few weeks when I feel better, but still can’t drive. Take me to Starbucks and we’ll use my card!

Third, yes, food is lovely. Casseroles, soup, etc, especially things I can prepare/heat for myself when Ledcat goes back to work. I haven’t had an appetite in months so I have no idea what I want to eat. I haven’t wanted sweets at all or rather I crave sweets, but find them unappetizing. So simple things like oatmeal cookies work.  I like most soups except chili and anything tomato based. Chili is Satan’s food. Tomato soup is his something else equally awful.

Gatorade is good. I drink a lot of that. Ginger ale, ground coffee. Please, no more herbal tea. We have jars and boxes of it. There’s just no room for more tea. I have a recent insatiable craving for Turner’s Iced Tea (just regular old ‘with lemon’) so if you want to earn my eternal love, bring me a carton of that. Or a gallon. Or a case of gallons.

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We are really okay though. We’ve laid in the supplies and I have no dietary restrictions other than my own sense of taste. We have plenty, all that we need.

I think really sharing a meal with us is good for Ledcat who has to do all the work around the house, go to her own work AND walk to & from in this weather because I won’t be able to drive her for at least 3 weeks. I am anxious about that state of affairs.

So if I can reduce her concern about meal prep it won’t be so awful that she has full housekeeping duties (we lost our cleaner) and pet duties and outside pet duties, etc. Plus, Sue duties. She had surgery several years ago and our roles were reversed. She was able to resume driving very quickly. And going back to work meant opening up my laptop for me.

I arranged for someone to shovel should the need arise. Neighbors are disposing of our Christmas tree – it is going to a duck rescue where it will be a snack and a place to hide.

I’m going to be pushing a small non-uterus stretching project soliciting Girl Scout cookie donations for local LGBTQ organizations (stay tuned for details.)

Thanks for asking! It is really nice that people care. And nice to finally have a casserole friendly health situation. Sigh.

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