Take Our #AMPLIFY Tee Shirt Survey & Resist UPDATED

We’ve been up to some creative shenanigans this past week, we being the Advisory Group and the folks at Pittsburgh Printing Press, logo designer Kai Devenitch, and Commonwealth Press.

We have plans to produce limited edition #AMPLIFY tee shirts to promote the project and raise visibility around the need for the project, the need to amplify the lived experiences of our LGBTQ neighbors throughout the region.

If you are interested in purchasing a tee shirt (as a fundraiser) either for yourself or to donate to another participant, please complete this survey. We need feedback on the style of shirts we order, the slogan/logo and some other details.

If you need a little “grrrr” to get you going, last night someone trolled me through this survey.  It wasn’t pleasant to read, but the nasty comment illustrates why we need to lift up the narrative of everyday lives. This person has been trolling me since I wrote a blog post about Dalia Sabae, a bisexual woman of color who was murdered by her husband a few weeks ago. It takes a measure of commitment to the hate to log into a survey & work some personal slams against me into the responses. If you want to read more about that, go to my Facebook page. 

We will have to commit $500 to the project to get it started with one type of shirt. If we have enough interested in multiple styles (vneck and crew neck, for example), we’ll need to raise more money. I want to clarify that ahead of time just so folks understand our constraints. Our plan is to start with one style of a dark pink shirt with black ink with a design and slogan built around this version of our logo. Before we commit to raise the $500, we need to be sure it is a viable idea.


Thank you to Susanne Wrage and others who have offered to help us raise the $500 we need to produce our first run of #AMPLIFY tee shirts. Donating in response to the nasty comments some troll left on our survey (and my blog) is a lovely and constructive response to jagoffs.

Each time I read the survey responses, I have to read “How about ‘god is dead. Unfortunately Sue Kerr is not” which totally sucks. Now I’m going to just skim over that & read “good people care about this project” in my mind.

If you’d like to help us raise the $500, you can mail a check to our current fiscal sponsor (we switch to Persad in January if that’s confusing). Please include a note saying this is specifically for the #AMPLIFY project so the person opening the envelopes knows where to direct your donation.

Bloomfield Garfield Corporation
5149 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

You can also donate online via our Crowdrise account if you like: https://www.crowdrise.com/amplifylgbtqvoicesin

Thank you, Susanne and everyone who has approached me about this. Thanks for paying attention enough to know that of course this bothers me and helping me & the project move forward. It is really good to have people in your corner.


Just nine questions which you see below. If you prefer, you can follow this link to the survey online. Thanks for your support!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.

Create your own user feedback survey


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  • I am sorry that you have to deal with threats from trolls. Please know that you have my support, and I hope that this t-shirt fundraiser is a big success! Thank you for everything that you do.

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