That Time My 11 Year Old Nibling Connected Representation in ‘The Little Mermaid’ to ‘The Cross Connection’ on MSNBC

My nibling,11, hanging with me this AM while The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross on mute. He watched while we chatted, then said “Everyone on this news show looks like me.” He’s Black. He said “Is this like the new #LittleMermaid for adults?” So there you go Princess Tiffany D. Cross Follow up – we […]

What This White Woman Thinks About Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars

What do White People Think about the Oscars

None of your business. It is not my place to inject my opinion into this conversation. That is something my Black friends, especially my Black women friends, requested and so I comply out of respect for them. Yes, my headline is sort of clickbait because I really want you to watch these video clips. I […]