And Our Neighbors Showed Up to Set Up the (back)YardSale

(back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx on Sat September 7, 2024

BackYardSale Cats Northside Manchester

COVID How It Is Going

Well, I’m still sick. I could list symptoms, but really – you know the symptoms. I do have a funky rash which seems like a gross thing to share, but could be helpful for someone reading this who says “I have a rash, too.” It is day 7 since my symptoms and day four since […]

Guilty Verdict for Local Woman Harassing Black Trans Teen and Her Family

This morning, a magistrate judge ruled that local woman Darian Balcom was guilty of harassment after erecting a 9-foot billboard in her backyard. The sign read ‘Transing is Abuse and Homophobia’ and Balcom direct the sign in to the window of a 15-year-old Black trans teen living next door with her multiracial, queer family. , […]

Community Q&A: Ke’Juan, 15, Talks About Her Identity, Her Family, and Enduring Harassment in Her Pittsburgh Neighborhood

Black Trans Girl

We have to be more mindful when walking home by ourselves, we have to have extra protection and make sure to be with someone in case something happens, we had to block my bedroom window because the neighbor was staring into my room,  we had to put a plan in place so if there was a problem […]

Q&A With a Pittsburgh Dad Trying to Protect His Multiracial, LGBTQ Family From an Abusive Neighbor

Content Note: racism, transphobia, homophobia, harassment of children, police, legal case, fear I did a little research and started to get a sense of how these transphobic bigots operate, the playbook they use. These people are truly despicable. To answer your question, no, I don’t think people connect the dots. And that’s not a condemnation, […]

Remember the Kitties: Ferat Cat Colony Food Drive Update

where to donate cat food pittsburgh

  Remember, we are hosting an ongoing cat food drive to benefit the human neighbors who take care of the colonies. Some are elders (up to 97!), some are also volunteers with feral cat organizations, others are veterans and families and even more have picked up the mantle from a family member – what a […]

Look for the helpers. Then help them.

One thing I’ve typically done well is filling gaps in services, looking for unmet needs. Right now, I have a lot of balls in the air because the needs are seemingly endless. These are projects where modest donations can have a big impact. Here are some ways to help your neighbors. Help animals. Help veterans. […]

Video: First person view of Pittsburgh rally to reopen small business and support Trump

Lorenzo does outreach to people experiencing homelessness, neighbors who are incredibly overlooked right now. he’s been making excellent points that are not on our radar. Did you know street meals have been limited to 3 days a week? I’m appalled to realize I haven’t been thinking about this. Lorenzo went Downtown on Monday to continue […]

New #ThingsToDo: a List from Esai, Age 14

New Things To Do Project

Total Lists Submitted: 5 Total Amount Raised for Food Pantry: $50.00 This is our new project #ThingsToDo where we invite youth to create and share a list of things to occupy time and cope with boredom. You’ll fine the details at this link. Your young people are welcome to participate. Here’s the cool thing – in addition […]