Dean Sees Queer Struggles as Stories of Strength #AMPLIFY

Gay Asexual Polyamorous Pittsburgh

Name: Dean

Age: 31

County of Residence: Allegheny

Preferred Pronouns: Male, He, Gay.

How do you describe your identity? Gay male with asexual tendencies in a polyamourus relationship

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Coming out was a matter of lie, deny or try. I was outed by a female friend that had a crush on me in 8th grade. She decided to tell the only out gay male in our class / school – which led to everyone soon bringing the question up to me & family members. At the time I was seeing a fellow classmate on the wrestling team. He denied and I chose to try and not lie.

How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? After experiencing much in the strictly male “gay world” I now prefer to be associated with a queer community than just men. There has been more open arms, plus understanding amongst a community made up of all genders + sexualities & identifications. Not just one orientation alienating my personal views.

’10 Days in a Madhouse’ Is Just a Terrible Movie

Nellie Bly Movie

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Getting It Right When It Comes To Mental Health

Sue Kerr

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YOLO So Please Stop Hurting People with “Cray Cray”

cray cray

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Unleashing Hope

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Six Things You Can Do To Help a Friend With Depression Have a Better Day

Girl Scout Cookies

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I Promise I Won’t Bite You

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I am a mental patient. Hear me whimper?

Mental Health Pittsburgh

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Why I Am Spewing All This Heavy Stuff On My Blog

kindness mental illness

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Series on Mental Illness

This week, the Post-Gazette is running a series by the excellent Joe Smydo about the impact of the closure of Mayview State Hospital on people living with mental illness in this region. A special five-part series Sunday, Sept. 22: Overview and portrait of former Mayview State Hospital patients. Monday, Sept. 23: Community hospitals struggle with […]