Lehigh County Commissioner Compares Domestic Partners to Pets

Just when you think … oh who am I kidding? This doesn’t suprise anyone. Speaking on the extension of equal marriage benefits to same-sex couples in the state, Lehigh County Commissioner Tom Creighton made the comments whilst pushing an amendment which would deny equal benefits to same-sex partners of county employees. “The state has a […]

Would a Domestic Partnership Interfere with a Civil Marriage?

So I continue to wait for someone to remedy the situation with the City of Pittsburgh, I had an interesting thought. FTR, we are now up to three members of Council, a staffer with the Mayor’s office, the ACLU and the Women’s Law Project all trying to find out what happened to the affidavits. Your […]

Two Big Federal Wins for Marriage Equality

Thursday brought news of two significant rules that will have an immediate impact on LGBTQ families. First, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a ruling on Medicare: Gay married couples are now eligible for nursing home care through Medicare-funded private insurance in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision against the Defense of […]

Pennsylvania: The Battle Ground for Marriage Equality And Where I Happen To Live

“It must be exciting living in Pennsylvania,” she typed via Facebook. “There’s something new every day.” She is, of course, referring to our unexpected status as an epicenter for the marriage equality struggle. The ACLU has taken the Commonwealth to federal court over marriage equality.  The State Attorney General won’t defend the lawsuit because she […]

LGBTQ Family Law in PA “Total Chaos” Plus Advice from Dear Abby

From the Post-Gazette An audience member asked whether it was true that same-sex couples could file a joint return in a state like Massachusetts but couldn’t do so in Pennsylvania. The panel uniformly answered yes. “It’s total chaos,” said Tiffany Palmer of Jerner & Palmer. Whether to get married and where involves an individual analysis for each […]

Do PA Mayors Performing Marriage Have Ethical Responsibilities Regarding the Legal Status of LGBTQ Couples?

marriage pennsylvania

As I read about Braddock Mayor John Fetterman performing a wedding ceremony for two gay men from Regent Square, I had mixed reactions. On the one hand, it is an act of civil disobedience designed to create a more equal society and I support that step. But on the other hand, it puts an LGBTQ […]

Dear PA Residents – Please Don’t Rush Into Getting Gay Married

I am so simply exhausted right now that I’m sure this post will be much more flippant than I intend. I’ve been on the phone ALL DAY dealing with media calls and trying to help people get services.  And doing laundry.  And medicating cats. The glamorous life. So I just read that Montgomery County, Pennsylvania […]

Thursday Marriage Equality Round-Up (and More)

To help you stay current: The judge for the federal lawsuit has been named (via the PG) Profiles of some of the local couples involved in the lawsuit (via the PG) Patch.com has a story, too. The background story (and quotes from me!) via the PG A nice profile of one of the couples involve […]

ACLU Files Federal Lawsuit for Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania

By now, you’ve probably heard the big news – the ACLU has filed suit in federal court on behalf of 11 plaintiffs, challenging the constitutionality of the Pennsylvania DOMA. Six of the plaintiffs are PA couples who cannot marry in their state of residence and 5 are couples or individuals who married out of state […]

Ten Days, Ten Dollars for LGBTQ Equality

In ten days, Ledcat and I will celebrate our tenth anniversary. That’s a lot of years of love, tears, laughs, hugs and ice cream. We met at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh. We both responded to an invitation to help organize a women’s discussion group. A week later, we both attended a […]