Father’s Day regrets about my Dad’s obituary

My father died in February of this year. I was unable to provide him a traditional rite of passage – an obituary in our local daily paper. I clung to that void with a firm grip, turning it over in my mind to determine why it troubled me. Sadness that he was denied that final […]

Now I’m Left to Wonder if Anyone Noticed That My Dad Died.

My Dad died on February 28, 2024. Early that morning, I arrived at the funeral home and see one arrangement of flowers. They were from my brother’s coworkers. Two more arrangements arrived later that day. I don’t know who sent them. That was it. We had listed ‘Kerry’s Kittens‘ as a charity in lieu of […]

His life was the news obituary that is never written. Jim Kerr (1941-2024)

I went to see my father at the funeral home this morning. I do not feel safe around most of my cousins and extended family because of the secret keeping that ravaged our entire family. So the funeral home permitted me to visit privately before opening to the public. My childhood friend Stephanie offered to […]

My Father Died Last Night

Two years ago this month, I wrote a similar blog post My Mother Died Last Night. I don’t know if it a coincidence or a sign that my father died in the same month. This was a Facebook post I created this morning. I’m posting here to preserve it. I will write a more traditional […]

Happy Birthday to My Little Brother at Age 42

A quick birthday wish to my little brother who is both far taller than me and not so young any longer. I haven’t seen him in awhile, but I’m sure he’s still pretty tall. This is one of the few photos I have from our childhood. The little stain is on the photo, not him […]

Bill Peduto – We Need a Mayor Who Never Forgets What Pittsburgh Can Be

Bill Peduto – We Need a Mayor Who Never Forgets What Pittsburgh Can Be

Bill Peduto’s tv commercial is available via YouTube. Five generations of my family worked in the mill right there on the South Side – my great-grandfather died a few blocks away from that spot. Still, my father and his cousins and even my brother worked in the mills through the 70s and 80s and …today. […]