Behind the Scenes with Social Anxiety on the Day of the Hannah Gadsby Show

Mental health Awareness Month Anxiety

This will be updated through the day. I’ve written several posts about this situation. My anxiety is so high that I am trying to document it. We have a plan. We have a schedule. We have four different sets of instructions from the venue. Overnight – very poor sleep. Lots of frightening dreams involving crowds […]

Et tu, Hannah Gadsby? “Phone Free Experiences” and ADA Accommodations #MentalHealthAwareness

Mental health Awareness Month Anxiety

This won’t be the post you expect. Noted lesbian and creator Hannah Gadsby is coming to Pittsburgh this Thursday as part of her Body of Work tour. She’s performing at the noted Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland, part of the Carnegie Museums. A lovely venue. My first visit there was in the 1990s when I […]

Dear Tig and Hannah. Please do a Q&A with this lesbian blog in Pittsburgh. Sincerely, Me.

Dear Tig and Hannah, Hello from Pittsburgh. I hope you both are well. It might seem odd to write a letter to two different people who while connected by their professions and identities do happen to live on entirely separate continents. It is unlikely to think that Tig is going to read this and hit […]

Write Something Gay, They Said

I dislike when anyone tells me what to write about or what not to write about on my blog. “Sue,” they say with concern. “Your posts are a little intense/personal/uncomfortable-to-read.” They tell me they miss my political content and toss out potential topics to inspire me, much like people toss snacks at zoo animals to […]

Tig, Ellen, and Hannah Walked Onto a Stage … and Wanda is Next

Recently, we decided to watch Ellen DeGeneres’ stand-up special on Netflix. Titled Relatable, we were so inspired by our lesbian sisterhood to watch the Tig Notaro special Happy to be Here. After that, we looked at one another and used our sapphic bond to agree that of course we must re-watch the Hannah Gatsby special Nanette  […]

Not Enough Lesbian Content (h/t Hannah Gadsby)

Not Lesbian enough

One of our spokespeople last year… Self-appointed. One of our spokespeople approached me straight after one of my shows to give me a bit of feedback, and that’s my favorite time for feedback. Straight after a show? Yes, please! That is when my skin is at its thickest. The feedback? Apparently, she said, “I was […]

Video: Hannah Gadsby ‘Rejecting the humanity of a woman is not creepiness. It is misogyny.’

Rejecting the humanity of a woman is not creepiness. It is misogyny.   From the Guardian’s reporting on the Women in Entertainment gala, presented by the Hollywood Reporter on Thursday. Hannah Gadsby had some things to say in her opening speech … you can read the complete transcript at Vulture. “I’m sick of turning my television […]